The workshop “Longitudinal Human-Robot Teaming” organized by the TRADR project as part of the annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction in Chicago, USA, on March 5 was a great success, attended by more than 40 participants from a broad range of HRI sub-disciplines. The workshop was opened by Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova’s presentation on human-robot teaming from a micro- and macro-perspective as experienced in the TRADR project. This perspective was complemented by the keynote lecture of the world-leading expert on robot-assisted disaster response, Robin Murphy, who advocated an ecological approach to longitudinal human-robot teaming. Contributions from the workshop participants addressed a broad range of topics, reflecting the complexity of this exciting area of research, and raising many open questions for discussion. Several of the participants expressed that the workshop call for papers inspired them to consider the long-term interaction aspects of their ongoing research, and brought exciting new research questions to their attention. There was general consensus that it would be worthwhile to hold a workshop on this topics again in the near future.

More details and program: