TRADR coordinator I. Kruijff-Korbayova gave and invited talk at the
International Conference of CTIF on December 9 2015 at the Italian Firebrigade Academy (Istituto Superiore Anticendi, ISA) in Rome. CTIF is an international professional firebrigade competency network, whose main goal is to share experiences and knowledge. Founded in 1999 it has members from 36 countries around the world. Its work is organized by committees which set up working groups on specific themes. The conference in Rome was convened by the committee on “Extrication and new technology” established in 2013. It was attended by representatives of firebrigades from many countries and also by safety expert from several car manufacturers, incl. Renault, Fiat Chrysler and Iveco. In her speech Dr. Kruijff-Korbayova presented the research topics, user-centric design methodology and main achievements of the EU projects NIFTi and TRADR DFKI. The presentation was met with great interest of CTIF representatives and other participants, including the CTIF president Mr. Tore Eriksson and the chairman of the above mentioned CTIF committee Mr. Tom van Esbroeck. It was suggested that I. Kruijff-Korbayova be invited to join the Commission.